Kaden started Kindergarten Camp Summer School Monday and had a rough day. At lunch they would not allow him to have ketchup cause they thought it was on his list for food allergies, he fell on the steps on the playground and has a fat lip that is black and blue and he also got on the wrong bus and had to get taken back to the school. He made it home on the right bus yesterday and rode the bus to school this morning. He keeps worrying that he is going to get lost again, so i have to keep reassuring him that it will be ok. His teeth have really been hurting him lately so it is a good thing that he has an appointment next week for the dentist. If he will cooperate then they will take care if his cavities that day but if not and depending on what they have to do then they may schedule him for a O.R at the hospital and do it then on another day. Hopefully we do not have to go that route but if we do i can understand that he is scared.
On the Skyler front he is doing really well, his teeth have still not broke through but i can see that they are ready to push on through. So he is still hurting and a little cranky. He has his 9 month check up on Monday which means more shots. And he goes back to the eye doctor on July 2nd. A big milestone was this morning when he said mama to me. I was so excited to hear him say it after i did. It was so cute but of course he has not said it again after those two times. We went to eat on Sunday and he broke out again, not sure what caused it this time. I am trying to get him into the Allergist so that we can try and figure how bad and what he is allergic to. I really thought he was not going to have the food allergies like Kaden but i am not so sure that is going to happen since this is the 3rd time he has broken out.
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